
mosque of sultan al-muayyad معنى

  • مسجد السلطان المؤيد شيخ
  • mosque    n. مسجد, جامع
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • sultan    n. سلطان, سلطان حا ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. mosque of pasha qasim معنى
  2. mosque of qani-bay معنى
  3. mosque of qanibay al-muhammadi معنى
  4. mosque of rome معنى
  5. mosque of sheikh ibrahim al-ibrahim معنى
  6. mosque of taghribirdi معنى
  7. mosque of the andalusians معنى
  8. mosque of the hair of the prophet معنى
  9. mosque of the jinn معنى
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